Response to series of articles and Op-Eds (mostly in the Detroit / Heritage / Mackinac News) railing against teachers and public schools, and Nolan Finley piece on December 4, 2009.
Growing up deep in the rugged hollows of Cumberland Co. Kentucky, Nolan Finley is very familiar with the real menace of a chicken-killing cur.
This present unvarnished, red-meat edict/opinion of the Detroit News is likewise on a total blood letting tear. What can be done with a chicken killing dog?
The not-so-thick gloves are off. The News and the Mackinac Center are now emblazoned to go in for the "kill." It's bone ugly. It's totally counter intuitive. It's pure naked reprisal with a "to-hell-with-MEA" angst that has been building violently for a very long time on the pages of this newspaper.
Engler's Part in Monumental Shortfalls
There is a national financial crisis, there is a major crisis in Michigan. The shortfall was created in part by John Engler whose $4 billion plus cuts in state revenues took effect just as he was leaving office, and on top of that Engler left Gov. Granholm and the state over a billion in debt.
Political Slap-downs
However, the current legislature has instituted moves against the MEA which have far less to do with economic specifics than they do with aggressive opportunistic take-backs from teachers, turning the clock back to the late 1950's.
Hardened foes are exacting a long-sought slap-down of the ability of the Association to protect and defend the entire education community: students, teachers, associated staff, and, yes, even the interests of principals, superintendents, school board members, associated businesses, and not least of all parents. No entity works for the public schools better legislatively or more effectively than MEA.
The Detroit News No Longer Attempts or Pretends to Be Civil or Polite
The News has become hectoring, overbearing and demanding. There's bitter tinge on the New's hamfisted edict, made loudly and without apology, the legislature must repeal a Republican governor's (George Romney) signature on the educators' right-to-bargain legislation-passed in back in 1965. If revision can be accomplished, it would literally move Michigan to the end of the line educationally-in a country with many low-achieving states far less accomplished and educationally advanced than Michigan, prior to now.
Fascistic Moves
The News' demand reflects a menacing, emerging Fascistic philosophy, partially hidden, yet so pervasive in the catacombs of the News, albeit seldom seen, but now revealed in all its bare tarbelly ugly for all to see in this moment.
Power-seeking, Greed and Control, Have Bust Out Into the Light of Day
It's very simple: When the demands of business and commerce must always trump, rule over, all other aspects of governance there is a fundamental democratic problem.
Look what happened in the State House yesterday. Tourism lobbyists vigorously blocked the very "reform" legislation that the News supports (even aligning themselves with the dread MEA momentarily) for one specific self-interest purpose. It was not the good of education the tourism industry were angling for. They fought to protect one more weekend for their business opportunities-delaying school openings until after the Labor Day Weekend. Forget the educational impact such a “business move” would have. Mind you, these are the “very same” individuals and groups that are fomenting their specific “education reforms” they say will “improve” Michigan education. Most of their reforms involve taxes or labor law thus providing a direct economic benefit for the “reformers” without tangible pro-active quality improvements for students or public education.
Government and business interests when they become as "one," totally united in goals and operations, encompassing even aggressive privatization of all public services, point to a condition where we have the basis for Fascism, or what we may call "friendly Fascism."
When it comes down to powerful business and corporate interests, which demand and receive full control over the institutions and governance of the state and communities (in full partnership with the legislature and the government), we find ourselves marched meekly into the dark night of a treacherous new era. Blind to history, we parade naively, ensnaring ourselves in divisive cultural war and calamity.
Outrageous Demands
There can be no good outcome in succumbing to the ill-driven powers behind the demands of the Detroit News and its radical right cabal demanding: Strip the teachers of their status, their salaries, their benefits, legislated security, and their voice in school affairs. After all we learn, everything educational belongs only to the all-powerful business/state government Lansing combine. Force the teachers take whatever "we" (the business/government cabal) decide to ladle out, without recourse.
Snarls the cur: Just shut up and teach.
Original Post.
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