On the Reader

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Crested Cowbird: The Mackinac Center State Bird

Cowbirds are very clever and naturally devious birds, they lay their eggs in other bird's nests and then as those eggs hatch and the young are born, some other bird gets the responsibility and intensive task of providing for the Cowbird's young. And so it is that metaphorically, the Mackinac Center has laid its "eggs" in Snyder's agenda nest by means of its total access to the Detroit/Mackinac News' editorial pages and the MacCen's other open access to numerous media outlets, conservative pundits, and news chains across Michigan. As is the Cowbird mode, Mackinac Center awaits its Cowbird outcome.

Yesterday (January 20, 2011), we heard the piercing cry of the Cowbird in this blog (Michigan View):

"While recognizing what he called the state's 'unsustainable financial model,' SNYDER NEVERTHELESS SUGGESTED PROGRAMS THAT REQUIRE MORE GOVERNMENT.(emphasis added)

"{Snyder} proposed a new government 'Office of Urban Initiatives' in Detroit and two other locations, and a new Michigan Economic Development Corp. board member for agriculture.

"Though he gave no specifics, Snyder proposed an expansion of education emphasis to begin at the prenatal phase - sperm and egg? - and continue throughout life. And he suggested a government "system" to step into our private lives on health issues like smoking and obesity, hardly the platform of a staunch conservative.
"While Snyder touched on many issues in an address that had an overall uplifting feel to it, he also failed to mention plans for key issues such as film credits, early prison-inmate release, energy policy and the stated goal of House Speaker Jase Bolger to begin discussing right-to-work legislation.

"Of course, all this emphasizes the enormity of the job facing the new governor, who continues to come across as anything but a typical politician." Frank Beckmann,('Gov. Enigma' brings new era to Michigan's politics, 1.21.11)

Perhaps Frank should encourage the Mackinac Center to migrate-franchising their "gripe away government" method of operation, "taking-it-to-government" to other states.

The Enigma: Let's see if Crested Cowbirds have a wider range and can con naive natives birds elsewhere, who don't mind raising and supporting the Cowbird's greedy offspring.

Original Post.

Perceptively Upset, Mackinac Center is Out of Step With Gov. Snyder

A deeply disappointed Mackinac Center sputters:
"From the first female governor, To the first nerd governor. From blonde to bland. From theatrics to metrics. From dash to dashboard. Michigan has entered a different era of executive leadership." - Henry Payne (The State of the Nerd, 1.20.11)

There is big clue about where the legislature is going in regard to Snyder, Hank. Remember the Detroit/Mackinac Center News' editorial meeting with majority leaders, Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville. Richardville is "a product of Fortune 500 companies -La-Z-Boy, Herman Miller- like Snyder, Richardville said 'we're going to bring a business-like approach.' He also stuck to Snyder's script on promising bold reforms on taxes (a flat business profits tax), and government (consolidating school districts and municipal responsibilities)."

Desperate to get a commitment to the Mackinac Center lists and agenda for the new governor, the editorial board was deeply disappointed reporting "(Richardville) was also vague " as Snyder has been " on the sacrifices that will need to be made on labor contracts and Medicaid costs " two major drivers of the red ink engulfing Lansing.

"I don't think the first thing you do is go after workers," he said while also acknowledging that public employee benefits are way (out) of line with the private sector.

What is shaping up is "bland" as Granholm. Jennifer had been "blond" in the eyes of the Libertarian/Mackinac Center News editors, and now they are now quick to characterize and chide Gov. Snyder and the new leadership here-by way of Henry Payne as "bland."

Perhaps the blood sport that has thrilled the reckless far righters-who luxuriated in the "tough" games and pranks of the Era of Engler will be left out of the "command and control" seat they once held and are now left only to wilfully covet.

The News' editorial board are learning that (Richardville) "A veteran of the House and Senate since 1998, including a stint as House floor leader...will be a veteran field general for Snyder's agenda. But true to that military analogy, everyone will be looking to the commander-in-chief for bold leadership."

Gone are the Cropseys, Kuipers, Bishops, Dillons, and McManuses-who were expert provocateurs-calling for "reform," but who actually only bogged down progress and the Michigan recovery with their petty mind games and procedural pranks-like shutting down state government TWICE.

Such stunts succeeded in damaging and embarrassing our state in the eyes of analysts and investors, who clearly saw their zero net pro-active outcomes as a product of their "theatrics."

As the Editors reported out of their earlier meeting: "Both (Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville) spoke in broad generalities about what needs to be done. Both emphasized that fiscal - not social - issues will dominate the menu. And both deferred specifics to Snyder."

So now, the snarky Mackinac Center critics, feeling left out, set out their disappointment: ""Like all State of the State speeches, this one was a mixed bag," said MacCen's LaFaive {SOS: Snyder's mixed bag, 1.20.11}: "Gov. Snyder hinted at some positive things, but didn't go nearly far enough with specific, cost-saving ideas that Michigan desperately needs to right its economy."

MacCen's call to the governor: give it up and come over to our demands, play our game.

Original Post.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Prof Gary's Bridge to Nowhere

Response to Gary Wolfram in "Major SOS (Rick Snyder State of the State Speech) initiatives" on the Michigan View / Detroit News January 20, 2011.

One should fully appreciate Wolfram's bridge to nowhere: Guv Rick, listen to this professor: Let's take the Right-to-Work-for-Less bridge directly to Mississippiafication of Michigan.

Gary, Gary!

Open the smudged portal in your ivory tower, get away from the fine particles swirling round your head, emanating from your over-heated copy machine.

Unions are the real source of democracy in the workplace.

But how would you know that?

Original Post.

Kill Michigan, Kill Michigan: Howling Hyenas Take a Jaundiced View

Comment of the Michigan View on January 20, 2011.

As predictable as frost on a pumpkin, or that the offal left by a lioness, in the Serengeti, will be visited by the lurking hyenas, Michigan Views' muckrakers and Hard Right Trolls jump to steal their scrap of the lion's "kill."

Kill Michigan, Kill Michigan

Is there a better way to push Michigan's economy and prospects further into the bath tub for a vicious "drowning" (as suggested by anti-government, uncivil Grover Norquist, Wolfram, Payne, Finley, MacCen, et.al.) than to savagely and prematurely begin their vicious ideological attacks on newly elected moderate Gov. Rick Snyder-trying to stymie Snyder's programs, proposals, and leadership-right at the starting gate?

Be aware these attacks are not optional, they are vital to the success of private, elitists, and their bottom lines. Controlling and hectoring from these curmudgeons are classic tomes that are totally mandatory, necessary to protect the private and clearly corporate interests who want what they want, damn the consequences?

Keep this up boys, and it will be the Granholm v. legislature disaster (deja vu) you all had so much sport ridiculing and vilifying-while ignoring the downward slide of the Michigan economy and life quality.

If we want the state to come back, suggest we vaccinate the Hyenas for rabies.

Original Post.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Engler Undertow: Snyder’s speech shouldn’t have the upbeat tone of Rick’s previous speeches

Comment on the Michigan View on January 19, 2011.

The Engler Undertow is voiced by his creation, The Mackinac Center. MacCen takes down expectations for Snyder's SOS: A bodacious plunge back into the muck.

'[Snyder's] words must be sober because the cookie jars are empty,' MacCen's LaFaive said."

MacCen's Harding: "'Is he going to do it? To me, in a State of the State you ought to be laying out specific proposals that will make drastic changes. People are trying to figure out what he is trying to do. This, to some degree, is his unveiling.'"

We all remember the typical Engler SOS: A sawed-off shotgun held aloof in two hands like NRA's Charlton Heston and his contorted face, John's crackling off-pitch voice loudly bellowing over juvenile offenders he labeles "Punks" !

Yes, we remember. A Engleresque specter that bone ugly, uncivil, and provocative can never be forgotten, or forgiven.

Original Post.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Déjà vu: It's Educational Apartheid All Over Again!

Commentary on the Michigan View on January 16, 2011.


1. Charter School Administrative Services
2. Leona Group, LLC
3. Evans Solution Management Company
4. Professional Contract Management Inc
5. White Hat Management
6. Bardwell Group
7. National Heritage Academies
8. Schoolhouse Services and Staffing Inc
9. Solid Rock Management Company
10. Midwest Management Group Inc.
11. Nataki Talibah Schoolhouse
12. Black Star Educational Management
13. Education Management and Networks
14. Innovative Teaching Solutions
15. 777 Educational Management Company
16. Hamadeh Educational Services Inc
17. New Urban Learning

Here, for the public's first look, is a nearly complete list of proprietary owners of private educational for-profits, siphoning off public tax dollars for loosely regulated, privately administered, middle man, manpower-style academies.

The Detroit taxpayer cannot participate in the operations of these privatized education mills, the funding is public, the operations are strictly private.

The owner of National Heritage Academies appeared on national television bragging his faux public academies had returned him a 12% profit.

Chartering sponsors under Michigan law include a small, two feather upper peninsula Indian Tribe, perhaps better suited to running gambling casinos than educating our children with our tax monies: supervising charters schools for a 3% cut. The entire thing a phony Engeresque arrangement.

And this Mr. Finley is what you have been hankering to see come to pass!

Detroit, Michigan-to become the nation's first urban school district to shutter ALL its doors and TOTALLY SURRENDER ITS LIMITED TAX DOLLARS TO PRIVATE PROFITEERS AND IDEOLOGUES WITH UNKNOWN AGENDAS FOR CHILDREN; The Detroit/Mackinac News' ANTI-PUBLIC DREAM AGENDA/OBJECTIVE about to come true.

Déjà vu: It's Educational Apartheid All Over Again

Original Post.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Frank Beckmann Weighed in on the Giffords Shooting & "Despicable Critisms" Against Talk Radio

Response to Frank Beckmann on his Radio Show concerning the the shooting of US Rep Gifford and attacks on conservative radio talk show hosts.

Frank objects to the attacks upon the "talk show" crowd and their strident opines; critics saying that "harsh speak" from far right hosts may have ginned up the atmosphere prevailing prior to the killings in Tucson and since. We're being unfairly attacked, says Frank.

BECKMANN: They do it to us, to defend ourselves we must do it back.

This EXTENDS the endless cycle of violent abuse of civility.

We, like goldfish, live EMERSED in a total environment permeated with TALK , too much talk.

It's "TALK" that is making big money for Fox and Limbaugh et al. Harsh talk, and DISRESPECTFUL argument, ad hominem "ACCUSATORY TALK THAT IS CONTINUING TO ESCALATE - to the point of civil breakdown.

The Country once talked and wrote itself into the Civil War which was a stupendous and stupid display of animal-like carnage and destruction: An ugly dagger in the heart of every person believing in "American Exceptionalism."

Decades of diatribes and fiery accusations resulted in ill-will that led directly to civil war.
The written word also stoked the sparks of conflagration. Abe Lincoln addressed Harriet Beecher Stowe, "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war." Words do count, words do inflame, words do incite to kill!

The secession of South Carolina and the attack on Ft. Sumter were THE DIRECT RESULT OF DECADES OF ESCALATING TALK, RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE, AND HARSH RHETORICAL RHETORIC BY "PATRIOTS" IN CONGRESS - hotheads who always "Gave as good as they Got."

We were invited into THE AMERICAN "CULTURAL WAR" by Pat Buchanan at Houston's GOP National Convention, 1992.

GOD HELP US IF WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO TALKING OURSELVES INTO THE new "CIVIL WAR" mentioned recently by so many - intent on having their ideologies "win" a political victory over those of others they disdain and disavow at whatever cost.

BECKMANN: "Conservative talk radio will survive the dishonest assaults and will not waver from its support of the Constitution, law enforcement and open political debate."

In other words, BECKMANN; Diatribes Forever?

How very sad !

Pray God touches Frank's heart of stone.

Original Post.

Monday, January 10, 2011

We have seen the enemy of polite discourse and civility: We deny the enemy is in and among us.

Commentary on the Michigan View on January 10, 2011

America is a violent country; deny that if you wish, facts are facts. We are a country whose government and economy are in flat spin and we are desperately trying to blame someone else for this dangerous condition.

Killer Guns: an oxymoron.

Everyone knows a handgun can serve as a unique paperweight. Guns bought easily by mentally deranged individuals, or by highly charged militia troopers, or desperately frightened housewives, they however, all kill in the hands of individuals using them. It takes such a very small amount of "muscle twitch" to fire a gun, even a fully automatic Gluck, that saying guns don't kill is a bromide that mocks the horrific reality. There is so much violence in our media, literature, entertainment, and video games it is ubiquitous in our daily lives. The cool steel or the cold carbon of a Gluck gives so many a sense of comfort and security, that gun will never harm a soul, but the killing potential is still only a deadly instant away.

The rule on guns in heated or dangerous situations is simple: don't resort to brandishing a weapon unless you intend to use it - if conditions or emotions demand.

The political ads in the fierce and highly charged November national election didn't feature dozens of politicians getting cream cakes shoved or thrown into their faces. Guns and gun related images and language permeated the airways and in some very high profile ways became the "message." The media used was the message and it was all about the power of life and death, killing off the opponent, the party, the health care bill, etc. These were professionally chosen media messages that the sponsors intended to gin up support, to achieve the "emotion" that we crave and is so useful in getting out the vote for "our" cause, our candidate, our side.

Sarah Palin's cross hairs depicting those "targeted" opponents would be mild and incidental to any thought of killing, if Sarah had never been pictured, as she was and is, over and over, tee-shirted and in camouflages, holding an automatic (M-16) at the ready with A CROSS-HAIRS SCOPE ON IT one might not put so much attention on Sarah's serious provocations. Add in the high profile national attention Palin got by hyping her concept "death panels," in condemnation of Obama Care, there's plenty of hardcore angst there, enough to take some over the edge. Trouble in Tucson began with the debate over health care which esculated to a white heat. Note: "It began with emotional town hall meetings in the summer of 2009, when some critics warned of government 'death panels.'" The situation voiced by Gabby Giffords in her own words: "We're on Sarah Palin's targeted list The way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they've got to realize there are consequences to that action."

Then there was Kelly, Rep. Giffords' ultra-aggressive Tea Party opponent who distributed literature bearing the following message presented thus: "(H)elp remove Gabrielle Giffords from office, shoot a fully automatic M-16 with Jesse Kelly." Of course there is ambiguity here, but what is that you don't understand about "remove" and "shoot a fully automatic M-16" planted clearly juxapositioned in Kelly's campaign piece.

Teapartisan Sharon Angle's reference to resorting to "second amendment remedies" wafted over the airways targeting Sen. Harry Reed, untoward provocation, laced with her reference to "domestic enemies."

When do we reach the tipping point, our addled and psychotics have already gotten the message, When do "secret sleeper cells," "self-activated militias" in place around the country, act not in a hazy trance, but with practiced military precision to take "change" of a country they truly fear is being lost to "domestic enemies." Impossible, Never, Never. This is exactly what happened with Timothy McVeigh and Oklahoma City!

We have now another strong warning. Try to talk it away, or bluster past the criticisms, but one cannot coat this infamy with excusability or credibly deny the obvious effects of direct provocations and inflammatory rhetoric which leads to such violence. We all see and know argumentive fatefulnesses are smothering our civic discourse like crazy-making kudzu.

"Popular spokespeople like Ms. Palin routinely drop words like "tyranny" and "socialism" when describing the president and his allies, as if blind to the idea that Americans legitimately faced with either enemy would almost certainly take up arms," Matt Bai writes.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

John Mathias Engler Rejoices in Michigan's Economic Depression

The troubles of Michigan's worst economic crisis, huge unemployment, and loss of manufacturing-the worst in nearly four fifths of a century- is seen by Engler as "'THE" OPPORTUNITY" for his GOPers and "something that we all (Michigan Republicans to whom he was speaking) have been waiting for."

Have been "waiting for"? What does that mean?

Only Engler would find this kind of excitement in our dire times - a prime opportunity. An opportunity for what?

Only those of us who know and understand Engler's role played in the run-up to these hard times know that his remarks are predicated on the fact that Engler had every of Michigan governance under his control for an extended period, and failed to protect us from the failed presidency of George W. Bush. Jobs were being lost by the tens of thousands on a "pick up pace" and there was a 1.7 billion dollar shortfall in state revenues-deficit-when Engler handed the escalating crisis to Gov. Granholm.

Engler raged that he inherited an over 1 billion dollar deficit from Gov. Blanchard, yet for all his "Revolution" machinations, ENGLER PASSED ON TO GOV. GRANHOLM AN EVEN LARGER 1.7 BILLION DEFICIT. So down peacock feathers!

Since the early 1980's Engler, already ensconced in the state legislature, and Republicans holding a least one branch of the legislatue have had a major role in the policies and practices that created this mess.
Much of the budget, structural and economic problems of the state were developed and promoted under Republican control-who have had either complete or partial control, e.g. the State Senate of Michigan legislation, for decades.

Truly, only an extreme partisan, such as Engler is, would see this crisis time as "WHAT WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR."

Imagine the kind of misanthropic mind it would take to exalt in the "the opportunity" that the Michigan one-state depression would provide. The answer it's the fact that such a terrible crisis presents radical right wingers a prime opportunity to take advantage of such a crisis to do harm to their political and ideological enemies under the guise of "emergency fixes" designed to disenfranchise those Engler and company have habitually attacked.

Milton Friedman invented : A crisis is an opportunity.

Engler views Michigan as giving his brand of "revolution" (a classic example of "disaster capitalism)" a perfect segue to cuts and re-invention/"fixes" to be used to reshape the Michigan economy and infrastructure in the interests of business" and to trash the public sector-the pet campaign of Engler.

"It seems to me that this is THE OPPORTUNITY FOR US and it's SOMETHING THAT WE ALL HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR," Engler said.

Engler's sentiment reflects his personal lust for political reprisal and retribution, while the context and content of moderate Gov. Rick Snyder's inaugural speech are in sharp contrast a pro-active move to recovery.

Original Post.