On the Reader

Friday, January 21, 2011

Perceptively Upset, Mackinac Center is Out of Step With Gov. Snyder

A deeply disappointed Mackinac Center sputters:
"From the first female governor, To the first nerd governor. From blonde to bland. From theatrics to metrics. From dash to dashboard. Michigan has entered a different era of executive leadership." - Henry Payne (The State of the Nerd, 1.20.11)

There is big clue about where the legislature is going in regard to Snyder, Hank. Remember the Detroit/Mackinac Center News' editorial meeting with majority leaders, Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville. Richardville is "a product of Fortune 500 companies -La-Z-Boy, Herman Miller- like Snyder, Richardville said 'we're going to bring a business-like approach.' He also stuck to Snyder's script on promising bold reforms on taxes (a flat business profits tax), and government (consolidating school districts and municipal responsibilities)."

Desperate to get a commitment to the Mackinac Center lists and agenda for the new governor, the editorial board was deeply disappointed reporting "(Richardville) was also vague " as Snyder has been " on the sacrifices that will need to be made on labor contracts and Medicaid costs " two major drivers of the red ink engulfing Lansing.

"I don't think the first thing you do is go after workers," he said while also acknowledging that public employee benefits are way (out) of line with the private sector.

What is shaping up is "bland" as Granholm. Jennifer had been "blond" in the eyes of the Libertarian/Mackinac Center News editors, and now they are now quick to characterize and chide Gov. Snyder and the new leadership here-by way of Henry Payne as "bland."

Perhaps the blood sport that has thrilled the reckless far righters-who luxuriated in the "tough" games and pranks of the Era of Engler will be left out of the "command and control" seat they once held and are now left only to wilfully covet.

The News' editorial board are learning that (Richardville) "A veteran of the House and Senate since 1998, including a stint as House floor leader...will be a veteran field general for Snyder's agenda. But true to that military analogy, everyone will be looking to the commander-in-chief for bold leadership."

Gone are the Cropseys, Kuipers, Bishops, Dillons, and McManuses-who were expert provocateurs-calling for "reform," but who actually only bogged down progress and the Michigan recovery with their petty mind games and procedural pranks-like shutting down state government TWICE.

Such stunts succeeded in damaging and embarrassing our state in the eyes of analysts and investors, who clearly saw their zero net pro-active outcomes as a product of their "theatrics."

As the Editors reported out of their earlier meeting: "Both (Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville) spoke in broad generalities about what needs to be done. Both emphasized that fiscal - not social - issues will dominate the menu. And both deferred specifics to Snyder."

So now, the snarky Mackinac Center critics, feeling left out, set out their disappointment: ""Like all State of the State speeches, this one was a mixed bag," said MacCen's LaFaive {SOS: Snyder's mixed bag, 1.20.11}: "Gov. Snyder hinted at some positive things, but didn't go nearly far enough with specific, cost-saving ideas that Michigan desperately needs to right its economy."

MacCen's call to the governor: give it up and come over to our demands, play our game.

Original Post.

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