On the Reader

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gov Rick Snyder Budget Robs Corner Grocery & Stiffs Local Health Care

Snyder Tax Cuts Kill Jobs & Undermine Michigan's struggling economy!

Wrote a Michigan political observer:
"Most thinking adults understand that public spending in a mixed economy does drive economic activity. Unthinking adults instead yell and shout and demand that public institutions be torn down as a symbol of all that is evil in the world."

When applied to Michigan; this fact portends a very real negative impact. Public workers do vital work; firefighters put their lives on the line for victims of house fires. Police race to save the lives of crime victims. Corrections officers keep felons in line who sometimes attempt to kill or abuse them with unspeakable acts of subhuman abomination. School teachers do their sacred work. And there are many more services and skills included in the public sector services we all enjoy.

All these individuals, professionals, contribute to the "greater good;" their incomes purchase goods and services in the local communities, where they reside all across our state. Those benefits state and public workers receive support dentists and hospitals; doctors and medical technicians in hospitals; and accrue to balance the books helping offsetting those who have no provisions for health insurance (who cannot & do not pay), thus supporting the financial well-being of medical and health care in the farthest reaches of the state and across the U.P.

Cut Off Your Nose to Spite Your Face The selfish wish of business and such grudging propaganda mills as The Mackinac Center (now organically close-knit to the Detroit News on its new "The Michigan View") have ridden a decades' long bitter campaign to take huge bite out of public sector employees, appealing to the baser greed of some (Teapartisans) who join the anti-civil curmudgeon (in dutiful service to the greedy selfish elites) Grover Norquist; who would crudely drown the public's necessary government-shrunken down into a bathtub of red ink.

Rick Snyder's cuts in public compensation will result directly in hundreds of millions of fewer dollars making the all important revenue cycle that local salaries and benefits provide in vital support of a "needy" Michigan consumer economy. 

Business-headed, bean-counter Rick Snyder sees his role as demanding taxpayers "gift" his business buddies with hundreds of millions, while he insists on "takings" from your neighbors who are in daily and often dangerous service to you and your children.

Small business people, who are organized in the commercial sector "union" we know as the Chamber of Commerce, are wrongheaded in seeking "enrichment" from Gov. Snyder and their "new commercial sector zealots" in the hostile and aggressive Teapartiasn majorities domineering in both the Michigan House and Senate. These "newbees" are seeking to go too far.

Teapublicans are ginned up by Newt Gingirch, darling of the hardcore ideologues, who frequently visits Michigan and who has used his wily skills to cuckold the National Republican Governor's Association into a "do or die" war with the providers of our vital services all across America.

Pray for our country. Delusion and confusion are the enemies of our future. Resist those who want to profit from massive regression and risk the real threat of a 21st Century Great Depression.

Right now unspeakable social tragedy can happen if Norquist and Gingrich prevail in their rampage & false leadership; calling out to find a slavish following in the nations' many State Houses. 

Let Michigan beware!

Original Post.

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