Who's Piggy Bank Gets Bashed?
Our Children, ordinary working taxpayers, certainly the elderly-especially pensioners; and oh yes; all those teapartians who brought this on us and themselves; We will ALL get hurt, but NOT business.
What In God's Name Is The Nerd Thinking?
Low and moderate-income households and families lose the Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit, seniors lose part of the homestead property tax credit and MANY WILL BE COERCED to pay taxes on what is often a meager pension: many struggling parents who will lose the $600 per child state income tax deduction.
My God, pray how can this be?
Check the Facts Here
The consequences of irresponsible Snyder Budget Proposals and cuts (expanded below) are liberally drawn and expanded from the work of Senior Policy Analyst Joanne Bump, who has worked in Michigan state government for over 30 years including 9 years with the Office of Revenue and Tax Analysis coordinating the Michigan Tax Expenditure Report, the Economic Report of the Governor and the Michigan Economic Review and Outlook. She's a degreed expert in these areas.
1.) Schools are legislatively shorted $470 per pupil cut, thus robbing children of educational opportunities. This while the competing private, for-profit, Republican favored "Faux Public" academies. It would lift the present legislated "cap" on further expansion. Once lifted more tax-eating storefront and quasi-religious operators are loosed to take in millions more scarce public tax moneys with no direct public control or taxpayer accountability.
Nuts? You Bet.
2.) Universities take a meat cleaver chop at 15%, with a direct impact on students attending; hardships inflicted by Teapartisans in multiple ways; those who are on very limited allowances or work/study regimens are thrown off food coupons.
Skinflint? It's a direct blow; the way to far less graduates, fewer high-skilled/professional new hires.
3.) Local revenue sharing that helps pay for local services will be CUT AND CASH STARVED; THEN POTENTIALLY SUBJECT TO THE WHIP BY PLUNKETT & COONEY'S SUITED LEGAL HOUNDS (should their unit run short on revenue)and also to be ORDERED ABOUT BY THE SHADY ANDY DILLON top-down. Local officials caught in this bind HAVE A CHOICE: they can resign now; in full anticipation of the coming impact or face the possibility of being attacked and DISENFRANCHISED FROM ELECTIVE OFFICE FOR YEARS TO COME; if their units come under "financial emergency" provisions control is out of local hands. The State takes over!
Threats to Take Over Local Units Are In H.B.4215, 2011
Is such force pro-active, the right way to recovery and bring future harmony between Lansing and the locals? NO!
IT'S A BRUTAL TEAPUBLICAN DEVISED SYSTEM OF PLANNED FAILURE, AND POLITICAL USURPATION THAT TARGETS AND UNDERMINES LOCAL CONTROL. Heads up: this situation is totally without precedent in our state's heritage and despoils our former high honor; we diligently maintained LOCAL control-where neighbors know best how to allocate and expend their tax dollars-for all the past years.
Do you find this all hard to believe?
Call your state officials or the backroom bosses at the Mackinac Center in Lansing; check this out. Ask a Teapartiasn how this can be.
4.) 12,600 of the state's poorest families MANY WITH NEWBORNS OR CHILDREN will lose what little public assistance grants they receive; Will they even survive (if at all) with out private charity? All this suffering comes at a time when jobs continue to be scarce, unemployment at very high levels.
Will there be heartbreaking consequences for an est. 14,000 additional children pushed into poverty? Wait for the 2013 and following for heart-rendering, Dickensian TV news stories to find out.
The sad, sad tag line:
All of this in Snyder's very first days as a political apprentice in a statesman's office. Snyder presses on goaded by the undermining pol trio of Gingrich, Engler, and Norquist; Knowing the state is not agreeing with him. Because, when polled, voters have three times (by upwards of 3 to 1) favored increased taxes to cover the revenue shortfall in the present state structure.
And voters again, most recently, made it clear that they the "voters do not favor this titanic shift from businesses to working families by ending the Michigan EITC."
Are you listening Rick.? Are you listening? WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO MAKE YOU LISTEN?
Original Post.
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