On the Reader

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

An Advocate for Christian Business Addresses Calabrese’s Admitted Lapse of Integrity

In response to the admission of Dan Calabrese that he is willing to break a binding business contract in order to save money (and your business) in times of economic duress, brought on by acording to his own admission; that he over-estimated his profits and under calculated his actual expenses in a down market. (Union entitlement is unsustainable, 3.11.11, Calabrese)

Note: Dan Calabrese's posting "Union entitlement is unsustainable" posted to the Michigan View (Detroit / Heritage / Mackinac News) on March 11, 2011 was removed from the Detroit News website.

Calabrese admits in his recent column it caused him to admit, "you do things - things you sometimes regret." Dan admits, there were "long-term leases I had foolishly signed." His solution? Dan welched on his contract with a provider, and stated, I "told them they could try to collect more money from me if they thought it was worth the trouble."

To understand Dan's self-described method of cutting costs, I turned to John E. Mitchell Jr., Texas business man and a Christian writer. Mitchell offers a thoughtful insight as to how a self-confessed Christian and businessman, such as Calabrese, is held to a higher standard than the non-professing business entrepreneurial:
"If, as Emerson says, "An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man," then obviously the top executives of American business enterprises are very important. They have it in their power to help or to hurt a great many people.

"What are the traits of character do you think should be required, or at least hoped for, in an employer, a manager, the top executives?"

That an Employer Should Be "The head of a business concern should posses certain qualities which set him apart as a leader and clearly indicate his right to the postion he holds. These are qualifications which should be recognized and cultivated.
"A leader should possess real character, the result of a personal relationship to Christ. He leads best who best follows the Saviour. His qualities of leadership will be strengthen and fortified because of personal attention to spiritual realities. A man who sets an unwavering stand as a servant and follower of Christ will able operate from an unshakable foundation in every other area of life.

"It logically follows that, as a man of Christian character, a good leader will also be a man of integrity. He would keep his word. He will be honest in his dealings. He will not shade, hedge, or deviate in word or conduct. He will maintain this personal integrity even though it may involve great cost to himself."

In Michigan's troubling economic times we need moral high ground and integrity. We hope Dan will repent and join the effort to rebuild our state on honesty and integrity as he shares with us the thoughts of his mind.

Original Post.

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