On the Reader

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hell hath no fury as in a state built by industrious working men and women, good people now scorned and disenfranchised by Michigan Teapartisans

The passage H.B. 4215 et al, dictatorial EFM take over, voter disenfranchisement, 'corporate' direct control of local units of government breaks all previous records for reckless and thoughtless partisanship.

This all sadly grows out of the nasty Engler Revolution and the bad blood Engler engendered.

The giddy 'gotcha trolls' in the News blogs are high with grit in their teeth!

Many villages, towns, fire and police departments, schools and all their sweet children have been summarily turned over to Plunkett/Cooney high powered/high fee attorneys.

Emergencies, not yet declared, will mount up into the hundreds as the Nerdomomics of Tricky Rick unfold. This will include scores of public schools, sent to the dustbin by Rick Snyder's Nerdonomics.

Do the math yourselves.

There are already units in a financial fix. SNYDER'S INTENTIONAL TAX/REVENUE STARVATION of other units who are surviving, but struggling, will led immediately to many more undefined, but certain, declarations of 'finance emergencies.'

The We-are-much-smarter-than-thou GOP State Senators will rue the day they stepped off into this muck. We already know that $470 or more is cut from the neighborhood schools. We are fully aware that revenue sharing back to our communities of our own tax dollars via Block Grants is axed. This situation alone means there will be real trouble locally, real soon.

This is Snyder creative crisis built on a national economic downturn, not the first, but one of many very similar, over the years in Michigan.

Former Gov. William Milliken knows personally the hurt and the struggle of these cyclical events in Michigan. He led the state in pro-active and collaborate ways to overcoming and recovery.

SNYDER AND HIS TEAM OF HARD-HEADED,HARDCORE ENGLERITES HAVEN'T A CLUE They, like Engler, love the political battle and its spoils more than the peace, preferring strife over 'genuine, sincere, honest sacrifice' by all including corporations, the mega wealthy, and businesses-each according to ability.

The kind of EFM turmoil, headed up by corporations and 'firms' handed the undemocratic assignment(granted wages not to exceed $177,000 per year) is the kind of quality of life, culture buster, that drives away outstate investors.

Fancy this, what incoming corporate CEO wants to live in the wasteland this debacle has fueled. Culture to a German Company is equal to capital profits.

Germans get it. GOP'ers don't. The more cunning of the Teapartisan fearing ninnies, that timorous covey of poultry, should not be surprised by the ugly outcomes. The other sheepish, including the clueless newbees, will be stunned and very adversely effected by the collapse of units in their districts. The acrimony and the gnashing of teeth; viewed as the parsimonious landscape of "hell" will be their abode.

The 'real people' are coming for your leather swivel chairs and your platinum promise of State-Funded Health Insurance for Life, and all those other bits and pieces that lured you, the current GOP'ers into public office.

Now you've been elected, you turn on your people; to become judas goats, bitter enemies, to your own district's working families; turning against your own first responders, teachers, and the school children who populate our hopeful futures.

Remember...Dictatorship is Ugly! Hell's fury via angry, offended voters is real.

Original Post.

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