On the Reader

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Michigan Governor Exposed on National TV: Michigan in Free Fall, Headed to Civic, Colossal Disaster

Dictatorship is "verboten." Snyder's push to ramrod anti-union bills (H.B. 4215 et al and corresponding Senate bills) finally got big time negative attention, and how!

MSNBC has outed Rick Snyder's ALEC and more intense investigation and exposes are bound to be coming forth e.g. a long internet based report entitled "Gov Snyder Sellout?"

Michigan GOP'ers embarrassed themselves with a fool's blunder creating in a stroke of acidic political dyspepsia, imposing voter disenfranchisement and civic disaster. They do this giving huge new powers to EMF's that are literally dictatorial and counter-productive to the health and well-being of local sovereignty/home rule, and the right of self-determination.

These local units under duress are administered by our closest neighbors and are officials, who often work in our behalf without adequate funding and personally serve unselfishly in elective positions that drain their personal incomes rather than add to their remuneration for these often difficult and important local decisions, service and governance they provide. They did not lobby or ask for this kind of cruel assignment, it is being imposed on them.

This situation is unacceptable and morally repugnant.

The Snyder/Teapubican plan would actually eject officials from office and bar them from returning to elective office for a period of years.

Folks this is nuts!

The purpose of these bills is intended to deliberately squeeze the local units and force them to do drastic and hurtful harm to fireman, policemen, first responders, municipal workers, teachers, etc. in order to coerce/force wage and benefit stripping which Snyder and Teapublicans demand.

Snyder/Dillon are intent on making this happen. In fact, it is they who make deficits happen; they are about to cut off any block grant revenue sharing and are cutting the school aid funding per pupil by a whopping $470 per student forcing these units to drown in debt.

What is clear is that Snyder and the Teapubicans in the State Legislature are forcing the local units to do extreme heavy lifting, perform despicable actions which leave the Governor and Dillon ostensibly clear of all direct blame or direct responsibility, which is totally untrue.

Snyder's call to local units is as per: We don't care how you do it, just grab back all you can, strip off enough to keep afloat or if you don't, you can count on me and Andy Dillon to take over and clean up after you in a very methodical and dictatorial way.

This concept is backed up by Dillon's recent media quotes: Dillon hinted that one of the communities on the brink is not what most would expect -- an urban and low-income city. He said the state needs more teeth in laws to force communities to straighten out their finances, and for those that don't, "BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN." He called on the Legislature to quickly enact a change in the law to give financial emergency managers...more power to act sooner to head off financial problems. "IT'S GOING TO PROPERLY ALIGN PEOPLE'S MOTIVATIONS TO DO IT THEMSELVES," Dillon said, after speaking to the Business Leaders for Michigan summit on the state's financial condition.

There you have Dillon acquired "brute force"; the wielding of the big axe pushed into the hands of local officials is there to "properly align people's motivations to do it themselves." This in Dillon's own words.

What fools the Michigan Senate are called to be. Rick Snyder is dead wrong.
The entire nation got a nasty anti-democratic eyeful of Nerdonomics and it's ties to corporatist A.L.E.C. and it reeks. Sensible leaders went on alert about the disaster-in-the-making (EFM's) which Tricky Ricky insists on foisting off on Michigan's bamboozled teapartisan State Senators and Representatives.

What is obvious (to the now very alert nation) that there is a national well-oiled coup,a fully mogul-financed game plan assembled by radical far rightists delivered, in large part, by A.L.E.C. - a far right semi-secret conduit for corporations (Bros. Koch included) directly to the desks of state legislators across the nation - has been flung into the bright light of justifiable criticism.

Michigan Legislators were given one last chance and called into account by hundreds of concerned citizens who attempted to warn them off. Many called on them to do the right thing. They willfully failed.

They blew this important chance and now the Snyder Administration will be tied up in court for a very long, bitter time. Acrimony will cloud these local units. Michigan's chances for jobs and recovery take a direct and malicious blow regarding the future.

How sad! We have been shoved into a corner by a well-planned take over scheme funded by the Bros. Koch and others. These outside forces have focused on many states. Michigan Republicans are utterly subservient to such powerful self-seeking elites such as the Bros. Koch and the powerful Amway clan.

Michiganders are really coming to speed, this comment from one observer: (Rick Snyder, the governor,) plans to privatize cities and towns by having corporations, such as Wackenhut, under emergency directive, come in and dissolve and even (effect) disincorporation (on) cities and towns. Remember the old company town, where you had to buy your food and clothing from the company you worked for, and never could get current? You effectively became their slave. Well, if you like that, good because it's coming again."

Original Post.

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