On the Reader

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Michigan's "Emergency Financial Manager Reform" is Bogus.

What passes as “emergency financial manager reform” is bogus. Don’t Buy Into It.

The Englerite Snyder strategists have overstepped, they are seeking to destroy collective bargaining by means of the backdoor device: H.B. 4215 is a cleverly designed device to force the cunning perversion of collective bargaining's framework as a cost cutting wedge. At the same time the proposed bill carries in it a threat to smash units that are being intentionally targeted by Snyder-driven cash shortages ($470/student in education, Huge cuts in Block Grants to Firefighters, etc.).

The bill empowers Snyder to strangle those units, vesting anti-democratic powers in the hands of "Emergency Finance Managers) slick attorneys already being trained by State Treasurer Andy Dillon and Pluckett/Cooney (Super High Fee Legal Beagles) to effect radical dictatorial rule and powers; as proposed in H.B. 4215; to effectively use collective bargaining as a weapon against labor and teachers, creating harmful and capricious damage to local government services.

Tricky Rick: Kill Collective Bargaining by the Inch by Inch Tricky Rick wants to see collective bargaining used to blow away opposition to his radical re-organization of Michigan's wealth out of the hands of those whose skills and career training have earned it into the hands of the constant whiners at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and the bomb throwers at the Mackinac Centers' bawdy corporatist propaganda mill.

The News Editorial 3/6/11, ("Union attack on emergency financial manager reform is about protecting the status quo") acknowledges one clear fact; H.B. 4215 gives the Emergency Financial Manager "the power to break collective bargaining agreements that are deemed to be contributing to a community's or school district's financial failure."

Snyder Thinks He's Pulled Off A Coup As in the old story: One guy, too cheap to have my dog's tail bobbed as in the tradition vet method, so he fancied saving expense by cutting its tail off half-an-inch-at-a-time; because it's cheaper and so it won't hurt the dog so much, he rationalized. Thus with Snyder: The hurt, the acrimony and dissension inherent under the purview of H.B. 4215 is fiendishly divisive and long lasting its purposeful disunity. It will turn neighbor against neighbor; under government top-down outside pressure from Lansing many bad things will occur.

Remember when we lost local control over school operating costs under Engler's Prop A ? And now we pay the piper.

Tea Partiers Duped: Local Control Smashed - Big Government Smashes the Little Guy 

This not what Tea Party people wanted when they called for local input and protection from excessive and coercive government intervention into how our money at the local level would and could be spent. This not why TPers voted in Legislators to do. They wanted Legislators who would carry out their wishes - protecting local revenues and rights-or so they said.

Wake up Teapartisans! You've been diddled.

Original Post.

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