Sunday, May 22, 2011

In Michassippi; With or Without Unions, TeaPublicans Have Come to Hate Teachers

Response to Ingrid Jacques in "Teachers feel the heat" in the Michigan View, Detroit / Mackinac News on May 20, 2011.

Chirpy Jabberwocky Jacques writes about teaching-stand-alone-outside-a-union- as a right wing, beguiled "teacher" hoping to separate herself from all teachers' unions. Ingrid states that among suspect organizations "teachers unions" are "some of the worst offenders."

Mouthing the "bumper sticker" style slogans of Frank Luntz-speak, via Andrew Coulson, anti-teacher association operative for the infamous Koch Bros.' CATO Institute of hate and dissension, Ingrid makes her assumptions which are fallacious.

Teachers may only be dedicated and pure if they are "STAND ALONE" in relation to their employer, as we may be sure, Ingrid feels she is. ("Teachers feel the heat", Ingrid Jacques,DetNews, 5/20/11)

If teachers, however, choose to associate with other teachers in a "union"; then they summarily may be dismissed from status and vilified as corrupted; such as the Mackinac Center has been so well-known as propagandizing here in Michassippi - the new Snyderesque "state" where teachers are stripped of rights and status, radically reduced in salaries and collaboration; as proposed in pending Michigan Tea-partisan legislation; and as projected by the on-going TeaPublican proto-pogrom (yes, this is becoming the fitting term), a purposeful and vicious, on-going attack on instructors/mentors (as a specific category of persons and professionals) unworthy of public and political support or esteem, subject to being shunned and legislated against.

Teachers, who are targeted for reprisals and revenge for their association together for the betterment of public schools, neighborhood public school children, and for their standing in their professional chosen association, are much maligned and subject to nasty "trash talk." The blogs of the Detroit/Mackinac Center News are a continuous and egregious example.

If we read Jabberwocky Jacques correctly:
  • A small business person is degraded and tainted by membership in the Chamber of Commerce-a powerful lobby with overweening influence in government.
  • An attorney has less probity if she/he is a member of the State Bar which defends the rights and privileges of lawyers and takes political stances favoring the legal profession.
  • A manufacturer is without credibility and stature if it belongs to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)-a group set up to collectively defend and promote their forward progress as industries.
  • A doctor is discredited and undermined as a reliable professional if she/he belongs to the American Medical Association which lobbies for her/his concerns and the physician's livelihood, working environment, and professional advancement.
  • A legislator is to be discounted as dishonest and forthright if they belong to the "union" known as the American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.) which works diligently to convey into the law the wishes of its dominate corporate control structure.
  • An Evangelical or Strict Catholic is less credible or endowed with a questionable moral standing by becoming a member and participant in the strict union with individuals and groups known as Right-to-Life - armed with a powerful agenda.
  • A Christian Radio operator/owner looses respect and moral high ground simply when she/he joins in with the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) in an association/union promoting the goals and objectives, the financial and regularity environment of religious broadcasting.
All this we "just love and admire teachers" comes with a caveat" Just don't let us catch teachers coming together in an association which effects change or promotes laws and legislation that enhances and protects public education, neighborhood schools, and pupils. Should you do that... we will turn on you with a righteous vengeance. Or as one marauding newbie TeaPublican has said, "I don't care if I get don't re-elected, I'm here to do God's work." And oh the strange "god" work he does!

TeaPublicans obviously find it easy to HATE TEACHERS for any variety of reasons-unions being only one of their chosen categories.

If you remember only one thing Ingrid, hating teachers will include you.

Original Post.

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