Monday, May 30, 2011

No National Honor Given Finley: Taking Down Detroit’s Public Schools is a Civic Crime

Response to Nolan Finley in "Roberts must be demo man for Detroit Public Schools" in the Detroit News on May 15, 2011.

Dead-end pundit, Nolan Finley, has grown giddy breathing in all that anti-public sector gaseous blather of a cadre of defeatists and self-aggrandizing right-wing ideologues who have for years lived in and around Detroit and have succumbed to (even aided in) Detroit's slow psychotic swirl of social, economic and civil death.

Nolan is part of a group of so-called Libertarians ("Just leave us alone" trolls), who have no positive pro-active program for Michigan's largest urban area. His years of willful intellectual neglect have made the death spiral of its infrastructure and purpose as a dwelling place, a dead end. Nolan's outlook and advice have made Detroit worse not better, read on with the News blog's comments who daily expand and laud Finley's brand of brazen indifference.

"Give Detroit to Canada" has been the wise-guy mantra. Working every day in a news building since his early days as a copy boy, Nolan's finally charred and burned out. Not that he isn't featured in the social news of Detroit in black tie and tails or featured amid the "beautiful people" or that he isn't an Adonis back in Cumberland County, Kentucky where he is greatly admired as a local boy having achieved success.

Nolan expresses his willingness, license, to bemoan the implosion of a great city, give up and dance on its grave; defending his sacred right to ignore the "willful" poor, with such bromides Finley uses as:
"Our poor in Detroit are rich by comparison to people in sub-Saharan Africa."
This kind of intentionally misleading assertion does not account for what it means to be poor and unemployed, or worse yet, a foster child, mentally ill and/or unemployable in present day Detroit.

Hectoring does not assuage the Detroit/Mackinac Center News from culpability and responsibly in Detroit's accelerated- terminal slide-into a failed city abyss. .

Food banks, homelessness, and re-sale shops. which now abound testify to real needs of our urban neighbors. The growing blight and seedy/greedy "licensed to steal" trade shops e.g. the Cash Advance and the Auto Title Loan Outlets are covering old main streets like a black-leafed kudzu.

Boldly the Great Seer Finley calls out the final challenge: It's "Demo" time! Take down all of Detroit's public schools and sell them off. Privatize and profitize the education of the remnants who dwell in a civic hell of municipal dysfunction and crime.

Sez Dead End Nolan:
"If Roy Roberts is to succeed as emergency manager of Detroit Public Schools, HE MUST SEE HIS MISSION NOT AS SAVING THE DISTRICT, BUT DISMANTLING IT. DPS can't be saved. It pushed beyond the tipping point years ago, and must be allowed to slide into oblivion."
(See: Finley, "Roberts must be demo man for Detroit Public Schools", 5.15.11, DetNews)
There is no National Civic Medal of Honor bestowed on such an advocate of corrupted capitulation to the darkside of rigid-conservativism and racially-tainted conclusions such as this one: "...ALLOWED TO SLIDE INTO OBLIVION." Read that and weep for the children.

Years ago, a word of caution was spoken by one of Michigan's Appellate Court judges: What is Wall Street's view of Michigan? It is a state with the city of Detroit, which historically has a low threshold for racial tension and violence.

The National Census has shown us that a sizable portion of the exodus of population from Detroit is made up of middle class people of color. Those left behind, in this troubled city, will not long suffer the humiliation and disrespect of those who would take the city further down; while skimming tax monies off to private school vendors and profiteers backed by a highly partisan TeaPublican majority and propaganda mills such as Koch Brothers' CATO/Americans for Prosperity or Engler's Mackinac Center-all currently on a rip, bolstered by the unchecked, powerful and shameful abuse of one-party majority rule.

Original Post.

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