Thursday, June 16, 2011

Corporate Supremacy - The Road To Ruin

Corporate Supremacy is a direct threat to democracy and the broad road to a devastating Second National Economic Depression. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis D. Brandeis was author of stellar quote in yesterday's post.

Brandeis further stated with blistering truth:
"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

These are very serious times. Conservatives are serious people, with steady, substantive objective wisdom and a real commitment to the survival of our democracy and way of life.

Where is Michigan's Russell Kirk when we need him?
"The twentieth-century conservative is concerned, first of all, with the regeneration of the spirit and character-with the perennial problem of the inner order of the soul, the restoration of the ethical understanding, and the religious sanction upon which any life worth living is founded. This is conservatism at the highest." 
-- Russell Kirk
From one expert on the history and development of American Conservatism:
"Laissez-faire Conservatives, in contrast, view the world through the lens of liberty, particularly the economic liberty of the free market and the political liberty of the minimal state."

"All of human history is seen as either the inhibition or progression of liberty. America is lauded as the cradle of liberty, created out of the spirit of self-reliance. The American Revolution is seen as a revolt against despotism, a milestone in the achievement of human liberty. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are revered as sacred symbols of limited government and individual rights."

"The concept of liberty is inextricably bound to the concepts of the individual. As the primary element of society, the individual is seen as an autonomous, rational, self-interested actor. Laissez-faire conservatives view humans as endowed with free will, initiative, and self-reliance. Left on their own, individuals will be creative and productive. The aim of a good society is to elevate the potential of humans by bringing this nature to fruition. This is best accomplished by protecting the economic liberty of the free market and the political liberty of the limited state."

"In stark contrast, then, to the ideal world of social conservatism, in which moral authority restricts self-interest and thereby integrates individuals into a community, the laissez-faire ideal poses a society in which natural harmony exists through the very pursuit of self-interest. It is the marketplace, rather than God or moral authority, that creates social harmony out of individual interest." 
-- Insights from Rebecca Klatch, author.
Somewhere common sense and a sprit of unity-the need to pull together in crisis-has been lost on those who play games with politics and blindly serve the goals of the Wall Street Speculators and the corrupt Bankers who have taken us down in this low and ultra-dangerous vortex.

Snyder's Michigan Dictator Law-known euphemistically as the EMF legislation-is one clearly serious aspect of a troubling "business best knows how to govern" illustrates a TeaPublican dive toward an impoverished Michissippi and a failed state. This dangerous mechanism is being used to strip community for the profit, enhancement, and monopoly interests of corporations. Michigan's Dictator Law is a gigantic and frightening step toward the collapse of democratic government and the common good in Michigan.

As one commentator has expressed it there's a third group of conservatives, the Conservative Rebels: The "rebellious" expression of the radical right is a strange form of "conservatism" that fits nowhere in the order of conservatism as most of us have known it historically.

Bashing and melodramatic pronouncements, name calling and red herrings abound, but none of this is "classical conservatism" nor is it Laissez-faire Conservatism or Social Conservatism in their common expressions.

"It is the "payday" book writing, radical radio, lecturing-for-a-fee kind. Radical foment is what is needed to make the "almighty buck", not much more.

Actually these provocateurs aren't that far from anarchists.

The country comes up last against following these rebellious "pseudo-conservatives" who have little constructive to add to our present woes--except more woe and wailing.

What they have become good at is evoking fear. This is not the time for economic fear mongering if the economy is to be put back on track.

More  from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis D. Brandeis.

Original Post.

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