Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Wealth vs. Government Taxation

My wealth and success are the direct result of my individual effort and rugged determination to make something of myself. Thus my wealth is a sure indication of God's specific blessing on me.

Too many individuals are slothful, inattentive and other-directed, and often are found in need of money or assistance in some manner. There are those who cater to the needs of the poor, the indolent, the lazy and have devised and used the coercive power of government to find means to provide for such "leechers" in society.

Most often it's the sinful lives of individuals that produce deadly disease, poor health, mental atrophy, and enscounce irrevocable habituation of lifestyles that hinder and prevent them from taking necessary "personal responsibility."

Sin Is Expensive
Throughout our declining culture "sin" has undermined the American Dream. Abandonment of families, children neglected and abused by parents, dishonest actions, sexual aberrations and unbridled license, theft on the job, rampent drug use, these all lend themselves to a real dashboard costs. The data is there.

The single mother with an illegitimate off-spring, a brain eaten away by drugs and delusions, the slothfulness of the "lazy" living on unending welfare, the "welfare cheat," these and others committing petty crimes, frauds, and major felonies are a dead weight on my economic well-being.

All things that are sinful, created by the sinful acts of others, cost me money. Those are high costs, borne by those with resources and some measure of income and/or wealth. Right bearing "strict values" activists must act to put "sin" under strict control and set real limits for the future. Isn't this what we learned from our Puritian Fathers? The Killer Clincher

To tax me, to coerce me to surrender my "blessings from God" is a very great evil. If you take from me my resources to enable those unworthy sinners who will not work and do not take "personal responsibility" for themselves, you (as represented by the police powers of government) are robbing me of God's Blessing. Therefore, I have a god-given right fight back, to defend myself from government taxes that are stripped from me to give "unearned" support to, and prosper, those who refuse to care for themselves.

Sin may come on other forms than that of the criminal mind, the mooch or the indolent welfare recipient. We view the worker who organizes to have power to participate collectively in the inner workings and privileged areas of business ownership that bear upon working conditions, safety, and wages, etc. as another kind of "thief." The union worker takes from ownership the powers of control over their own realm and makes demands that are inconsistent with the sterling standard of a right to "hire and fire at will."
We must defend the "divine rights" of proprietorship and wealth to be free of "sin's takings."
"It is a policeman's duty to protect men from criminals -- criminals being those who seize wealth by force. It is a policeman's duty to retrieve stolen property and return it to its owners. But when robbery becomes the purpose of the law, and the policeman's duty becomes, not the protection, but the plunder of property -- then it is an outlaw who has to become a policeman."

-- Ayn Rand, (1905-1982) Atheist & Author, Source: Atlas Shrugged, P. 535 (1957)

Original Post.

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