On the Reader

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A one nostril false grunt from Nolan: It’s not my pigs that stink

Nolan may have had the chore of swilling the pigs back home years ago.

Now so dandy-like, in his 3 piece editorial suit, he takes a gloating parting shot over the relatively minor part that congressional earmarks play in the trade-off, oiled process of compromise and commerce as practiced for eons in the U.S. Congress.

This new stiff-necked pledging to a small-minded, small-soul-ed, pinch penny, that Dickensian Scrooge, Grover Norquist, who owns the BIG Promise Pledge book on all those signers who pledge to only, always say "NO!" to new taxes, is utter pigsty nonsense!

Norquist has lit a sour gas smoldering cinder in the coal-hearted misanthropes who are marching to Washington under the guise of a resurrected Tea Party, claming to be Founder-blessed "patriots."
Those Norquist-controlled Congress people have taken an impossible and absurd pledge, a pledge that their oath of office makes dishonest and unconstitutional.

The U.S. Congress has an obligation to raise the taxes and revenues to carry on our government. To refuse to raise any new taxes-when the economic ship of state is taking on water like the Titanic in its final 2 hours- is as nonsensical as some other "ideological nut" may attempt-getting willing pledgers-to likewise "never spend or allocate" new revenue, even if raised, refusing to meet the ongoing obligations and responsibilities of our federal government at home and abroad.

Pigs may wallow in gooey slime, but even they don't attempt to eat muck-out of pure instinct for survival.

Original Post.

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