Monday, June 6, 2011

Remember When: Conservatism meant something good, wholesome, and dependable

If only we could believe again that Conservatism meant something good, wholesome, and dependable. Its definition being: Conservativism - a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes.

Whatever is infusing the Michigan Legislature and the Michigan GOP at this juncture-Reinventing Michigan-it is not that traditional understanding and that historic definition of what it means to be a true conservative. Indeed, conservatism as thus defined has long ceased to exist in Michigan, all apologies to Russell Kirk. It's all about Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Congressman Paul Ryan, and the "virtues of selfishness" and "extreme individualism" with special contempt for government of all kinds.

We have been entering a dangerous and unholy time. Language as we once knew it had a dependable meaning. Civility, while badly assaulted on occasion, was known to exist in our public discourse and respect for the "loyal opposition" was the rule of the day. Long ago drinking in the Michigan legislative chambers was banned, and David Jaye was embarrassed when his pistol slipped to the floor of a House ante-chamber (while it is not clear where proposed legislation will take or permit carrying of handguns in this state) we have set some gun limits which have been upheld. It was perhaps that profane ruffian, Gil DiNello who last struck a fellow in the chambers, such events had become rare. Now however, there is a new and mercurial tone in the Lansing Capitol building, one of real hard feelings and a ill-tempered spirit of "gottcha" that has all but poisoned the people's house.

The very idea that the State of Michigan would find support to turn on itself in such a vicious and unseemingly manner as is now occurring would be for true statesmen and "men of goodwill" an in-toleration and an insult to the institution, if not basic morals. But the attitudes and the stoneheaded minds now inhabiting the people's house are set against all contrary views- displayed by the maurading new breed of TeaPublicans. As one has said, it's not about re-election for himself, it is about doing "God's work." Can it be that stifled debate and killing all compromise is the plan of the Almighty? Delusion reigns. This rouge crowd has created a terror by majority.

It must be said that much of what has happened to Lansing is an import from outside our state, not that there have not been untoward ideas raised and grim reprisals mouthed about prior. One of the most despicable outside Michigan, one of the dispoiling sources of disunity and conflict is the person of Newt Gingrich. Newt's connections to Michigan via Amway, Engler and Saul Anusis are well-documented and easily tracked. Newt's presence in Michigan always spells increased civil discord and trouble.

This current kind of "conservatism" is so close to anarchy it can hardly be distinguished from that brand of revolutionary-government is the problem, less government, more personal freedom to act as one wishes ala Ayn Rand is the new prototype for systemic corruption of what remains of the Founder's ideals and the concept of American democracy.

In a recent blog article entitled, "Budget Battle Pits Atheist Ayn Rand vs. Jesus" there is this assessment concerning U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R Wisc:
"'You've got a guy who is a rising Republican star, and who wrote the budget, saying he's read her books and Washington needs more of her values,' said Eric Sapp, executive director of the American Values Network, which produced the video. 'If you're a Christian, you've got to ask some serious questions about what's going on here.' In other words, Sapp argues, you can follow Ayn Rand or Jesus, but not both."
USA Today reprinted this from the Tuscan Citizen in Tuscon, Arizona, thoughts from Stephen Prothero, religion professor, Boston University:
"In Rand's Manichaean world, it is not God vs. Satan, but individualism vs. collectivism. While Jesus says, 'Blessed are the poor,' she sings Hosannas to the rich. The heroes of Atlas Shrugged (which, alas, is only slightly shorter than the Bible) are captains of industry such as John Galt. The villains are the 'looters' and 'moochers' - people who by hook (guilt) or by crook (government coercion) steal from the hard-won earnings of others.

"Turning the tables on traditional Christian morality, Rand argues that altruism is immoral and selfishness is good. Moreover, there isn't a problem in the world that laissez-faire capitalism can't solve if left alone to perform its miracles."
This new kind of "conservatism" has no basis in traditional Conservatism and enhances, preserves, or protects nothing of the real American Values we all once learned to cherish and for which many have fought and died.
Original Post.

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