Monday, July 4, 2011

The Michissippi Nerd (Michigan Governor Rick Snyder) on Parade

The Snyder led 4th of July parade features a famous icon, not Uncle Sam, but Little Bo Peep. The Nerd and his napoleonic army of TeaPublicans are marching to the tune of independence, NOT with the old guy in bright patriotic colors of Ol' Glory leading the way, but the ideological stooges are towing along behind Little Bo Peep-who has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them.

The real Grand Marshals of Snyder's 4th of July Parade are: Milton Friedman (Freedom to choose/act independently of all others), Ayn Rand (selfishness is a virtue), Grover Norquist (Never raise taxes, Kill government), Newt (Tiffany) Gingrich (the states can go around the Federal Government with extreme measures and should), and Richard D. McLellan (Have I got a 'godfather plan' for Michigan!).

These powerful influences heading up Snyder's Parade are so "with" the Nerd that he's not able to act or think in the real world where the rest of us live are struggling to survive the Great Bush Depression II.

Original Post.

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