Sunday, July 17, 2011

Who needs the Koch Brothers? We’ve Got Rick Snyder, ALEC and his “Buffo” Team of Privatizers!

Michissippi is rife with the American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.) inspired profit-takers who are stripping communities and workers in our state for profit and power. Snyder's reinvention is a simple copy-cat operation of a very disturbing national right-wing coup.

Get the lowdown on "ALEC Exposed" at @ ("...a Trove of Over 800 'Model' Bills-Secretly Voted on by Corporations to Rewrite Your Rights").

Revelations about the American Legislative Exchange Council Are Sweeping the Blogosphere & Media
Stories are breaking daily across the nation detailing and revealing the deep inroads that profit-taking corporations have accomplished right- in-the-open. The huge number of "model" bills that a combine of aggressive corporations has pushed into law throughout the nation the AMERICAN LEGISLATIVE EXCHANGE COUNCIL. It's leadership laughs off the ungoing and expanding exposé, saying its functions are simply business-as-usual. The standard defense raised by A.L.E.C. is: We are just an ordinary think tank group, we don't lobby for corporations.

Surpirse, Surprise...A.L.E.C. doesn't need to "lobby," ITS LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS, 2,000 COUNTRY-WIDE, ARE THE UNDERLYING CORPORATIONS'OWN SPECIALIZED "LOBBY" THEMSELVES. The A.L.E.C. wolf lives comfortably, quitely RIGHT INSIDE in the legislative henhouse!

Corporate-Controlled Democracy is No Democracy At All

And so it is. The subversive Radical-Right front group, A.L.E.C., has been chipping away at the civil structure of America for over 40 years. Determined to bring down government and communities as we have known them; only to replace democracy with "CORPORATE CONTROLLED DEMOCRACY"- KNOW AS Corporatocracy,(Explained in " social theories that focus on conflicts and opposing interests within society, denotes a system of government that serves the interest of, and may be run by, corporations and involves ties between government and business. Where corporations, conglomerates, and/or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country (or state), including carrying out economic planning notwithstanding the 'free market' label. " )

Learn This Term
You are going to be in a fight-to-the-finish with corporatists, for every aspect of community and local control. CORPORATOCRACY designated every public function as a convertible source of Private Gain and Enhanced Wealth and Power.

Looting the Commons
This "looting"-via- legislation that has transpired in Michissippi under the Nerd Snyder and his hoard of privatizers. Ours is just one state's example of a wave of DISASTER CAPITALISM sweeping the country. The Bush Recession/Depression has brought the nation low-politically vulnerable. For the THE DISASTER CAPITALISTS in Lansing this is as Milton Freidman so bluntly put it: A great "opportunity."

Corporatocracy Thrives On Volatility, & This Is A Time of Great Volatility.

Michissippi's TeaPublican Super Majority Is Riddled with A.L.E.C. Gophers & Fellow Travelers
Many of Michissippi's legislators are A.L.E.C. Members or affliated, many ex-legislators are A.L.E.C. alumni, many others are simply willing "tools" of A.L.E.C.- as is Rick Snyder himself. They have been "channeling" specific A.L.E.C. MODEL BILLS WORD-FOR-WORD OR WITH SLIGHT MODIFICATIONS into Michissippi codified law. It's the Koch Bros.' et. al. means of getting things done via legislators who are simple conduits for PROFIT-MAKING CORPORATE LEGISLATION-the process of profitization.

Lazy Legislators Love A.L.E.C.'s Plug & Play Bill Mill
It's been "plug and play" "model" bill time in Lansing. Outside forces have all the say. Communities and the general public are blocked and locked out of the entire process other than to protest or to mount recalls against the crippling and dangerous outcomes these proposed A.L.E.C. bills pose to our future and economic survivability.

Under Rick Snyder corporate usurpations have been greatly expanded; especially with the Snyder/Dillon enhanced EFM, (Emergency Finance Manager Act) which gives "firms"- corporations and corporatists-dictatorial powers; abilities which confront public officials-who are summarily stripped of elected powers and constitutional control, and other actions trampling upon people's basic rights. All-the-while, Michissippi corporatist legal firms and others are set up to mop up profits and create monopolies.

It's Time to Stand Up to Michissippi's Corporatocracy & Its Usurpation & Power Grab, via A.L.E.C.

"(The 1st Amendment) does not intend to guarantee men freedom to say what some private interest pays them to say for its own advantage. It intends only to make men free to say what, as citizens, they think."
-- Alexander Meiklejohn, Philosopher & Educator (1872-1964)

Original Post.

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