Monday, August 8, 2011

Michissippi’s Shock & Awe: Business Managed Democracy Hangs by a Slender Thread

Snyder's re-invention of Michigan into a northern version of Mississippi is being met with anger and recall activism. Citizens are having a hard time getting real news about what the Business Managed Democracy coming out of Lansing, heavy-handed and top-down, means for them and their children/grandchildren.

Look out! Soon the penetrating light of National Media will be turned, focused on Michigan's large number of recall efforts.

Citizens are increasingly agitated and are vowing not to take it anymore. What they see on the economic horizon, thanks to Nerd Snyder and the Run-Away Train/ Super-Majority of nasty TeaPublicans is totally unacceptable. The loss of over 38,000 jobs will have a thunderous impact on the state.

Snyder has let job creation go by the wayside, while he aids and cheers on the radical agenda of the Koch Bros. et al American Legislative Exchange Council (A.L.E.C.) and its over 600 corporate/BIG BIZ handlers. Putting off job creation until next year is a dumb and disastrous Nerdcentric policy. If the desperate plight of over 400,000 workers unemployed in Michigan does not motivate the Nerd to action, what ever could?

Snyder knows how to inflict pain, but does he know how to comprehend and share in the terrible pain he has created? Perhaps the recall efforts will be a turning point in this regard.

Think about what is underway. Over two dozen recall petitions are filed or in the works. Subjects of the Recall Efforts are: The governor and a wide range of members of the state house and the State Senate.

An active and rapidly expanding effort to put the nefarious and dangerously out-of-control Super-Majority of uber-radicals out of office is well under way.

What happens in tomorrow's Wisconsin recall elections will be a giant signal to voters in Michigan. Success there will sweep over Michigan like a wind-driven grass fire.

Early on we have heard EFM manager Michael Flanagan say just "stay calm" and Mackinac Center's Godfather, Attorney Richard D. McLellan say "don't worry about the recalls, they'll not succeed."

Now, longtime observer, and astute analyst, Bill Ballenger has put out a new, very revealing and disturbing word (If you are a Rad-Teapublican or Rick Snyder): IF JUST ONE RECALL IN MICHIGAN SUCCEEDS IT WILL SPELL THE END TO THE SNYDER "JUGGERNAUT"!

Business Managed Democracy is anathema to community and to Michigan. We can deal with it now, finally and directly. We have seen what the TeaPublican agenda entails and it is totally unacceptable to average Michigan citizen

We have seen what a willful and ill-advised TeaPublican faction can do to the national economy. Today's precipitous fall in the stock market (worst since 2008) wiped out well over a trillion dollars of invested wealth, touching a wide range of people who are trying to stay afloat, while the little dictator, Grover Norquist, and Tea Party radicals continue to call for no new taxes and no compromise - hamstringing government.

The Wisconsin Recall results will spell a real revelation of the will of the ordinary citizens, if there is recall success there, LOOK OUT Snyder and TP'ers the broom will be probing deep in your dark corners.

Original Post.

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