Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nolan Finley: Maniacal Warmonger?

Response to Nolan Finley in "Bombs instead of bells on 9/11" on September 11, 2011 in the Detroit / Mackinac News.

Is Nolan Finely a warmonger? Or is he truly a thoughtful , sane person? We would like to think the latter. But, when we are fed his diatribe about bombing 3,000 places to avenge the more than 3,000 lost on 9/11 one is put to wonder. (Finley: Bombs instead of bells on 9/11, 9.11.11).

Let's take a quick review. The 19 hijackers/suicide pilots who mounted the 9/11 attacks were mostly Saudis and a few Egyptians . To follow Finley's logic the United States should have bombed Riyadh or possibly Mecca. There are so few significant targets in Saudi Arabia other than oil wells, pipelines, oil storage tank farms, and such. As for Egypt; should we have bombed Cairo, Alexandria, the Aswan High Dam, or for full effect how about the Sphinx or one or two of the great pyramids.

Just what did the vengeful, let's-get-even, Finley, man of our collective opinion, have in mind?

For an editor with readership amongst a significant Middle Eastern/ American population as large and nearby as greater Dearborn; what is the proper way to state or recite one's personal, decade's-long angst, the kind that Finely is confessing he's feeling? Bomb 3,000 separate targets in the Middle East?

The very thought is irresponsible and unworthy. No great paper should allow itself to project such a terrible proposal, even if it be maniacal fantasy or fantastical. We have been denied photo journalism showing the heinous disfiguring carnage and slaughter of our bombing and white prosperous warfare events on the local populations- so called collateral damage-victims. What we have seen, that which is very limitedly available, is utterly disturbing and repulsive to every human instinct, sense, and emotion. And Finley would have more of the same?

We went to war. Two wars. Two wars we are still engaged in conducting. We did terrible things to prisoners. We lied to the world via the United Nations about Iraq. We have been involved in the killing of tens of thousands of civilians in the war zones. We have two men, a former president and a vice-president who dare not travel abroad for fear of being "Pinocheted" arrested and tried in the World Court as war criminals.

Today Associated Press's Paisley Dodds reports:
"Britain's universal jurisdiction law allows British courts to prosecute foreigners accused of crimes against humanity, no matter where the alleged crimes were committed. The principle of the law is rooted in the belief that certain crimes - such as genocide, hostage-taking and torture - are so serious that they must be addressed wherever a suspect can be detained." 

The Brits have just now chosen to amend this jurisdiction. However, other European countries have not relented on prosecution of war crimes and other crimes against humanity.

What Finley would actually do cannot be determined. He will never have the "red football" nor the power to push the button engaging bombing all of those 3,000 places he dreams need death and destruction in-kind for what happened on 9/11. But Nolan is so brazen as to say: Next time we should threaten "we'll flatten your miserable countries and everybody in them." Finley can't possibly mean Egypt and Saudi Arabia, or does he?

Wake up Nolan; the past is now history. The future is ahead. Mistakes were made. Evil was done in the name of all Americans.

Your daydream of bombing 3,000 targets in the lands of the actual hijackers home countries parallels the game plan aired by Talk Radio's fire breathing blowhard Michael Savage, who would have declared Baghdad's Sunni Triangle a kill zone and "bombed it back into the Stone Age."

We know you Nolan, you're no Savage.


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