Tuesday, January 17, 2012

One Thing Social Conservatives Dislike as a Candidate for President: A Sex Addict

If Newt Gingrich is to pass muster with the "values voters"- strong convictions evangelical Christians - he will have to pass the morals test. The job of president is far beyond the biblical role of a Christian elder. The character history of a "elder" requires that person to pass a biblical minimal standards task: "one in whom no fault is found."

This is the scripture verse lining out the moral qualifications for a early Christian deacon:
"An Elder ought to be one in whom no fault is found and is the husband of one woman, is of a vigilant mind, sober, orderly, loves strangers and is a teacher."
-- I Timothy 3:12
If there is one thing that most social conservative Americans dislike in a candidate for president it's a sex addict. 

Fred Barnes wrote recently in THE WEEKLY STANDARD in "The History of Newt: Are Republicans ready to look past his transgressions?":
"... Gingrich has 'told friends he's like Richard Nixon, not particularly likable and hated by the press and the left.' And here we see Gingrich taking a page from Nixon's playbook. If there was one thing Americans disliked more than the not particularly likable Nixon, it was dirty hippies."
Newt must believe that if one has a new haircut, a clean, odorless body, and a filthy mind, that because that person is not "dirty," cleaning up should qualify that individual for the office of a church "elder"? What about Newt with a stylish haircut, crisp suits, and a long history of sexual indulgence, if not addictions to fornication and adultery? Does just cleaning himself up with a confession to Focus on the Family's James Dobson and subsequently becoming a a Roman Catholic convert overcome and expunge his immoral past?

If there is one thing that most Americans dislike in a candidate for president: Being a sex addict. Newt's history is that of a serial adulterer. He has a long, early, history of easy sex and lax, if non-existent restrain on his libido.

Writer Paul Wilkes in "THE GOOD ENOUGH CATHOLIC" penned:
"Not that we Catholics are better or stronger, or more or less sexed, than other Christians or non-Christians; but there is simply a Catholic way of looking at things. We know the ideal; Catholicism has never been a religious faith that has called for anything less than the best in people. There IS such a thing as a Catholic ethic of sexual morality " and it makes sense, because it is based on the firm foundation of true love of self and true love of others, inspired by God's love for all. It is an ethic worth pursuing, a way of respecting sexuality that can last a lifetime, a legacy worth passing on to children who need a true and steady beacon by which to guide their lives."

Do you want to see into the twisted mind of Gingrich?
Read for yourself Gingrich's co-authored novel, with the title "1945". The book "1945" is a 1995 alternate history novel, which included descriptive lewd sexual material. Here's what occupied Gingrich's characters in his novel as per the September 1996 issue of Locus (issue 428, Vol. 37 No. 3):
"Baen (publishing) has been running full-page ads for 1945 by Newt Gringrich and William R. Forstchen, saying, 'You've heard the noise, now read the book.' Well, I've read the book, and I'm going to save you the trouble.

"The quotes you've seen in print and heard read over the air, the stuff about the pouting sex kitten and all, come from the first three pages. That may be because that's as far as anyone could get in the Forstchenian awfulness, but I am made of sterner stuff... So this is the last time I'll mention that "noise" Baen is so concerned about, other than saying that it's a pity the paragraph dealing with the pouting sex kitten was disemboweled between the bound galley review stage and the printed book stage. Her kneeling athwart her lover's shoulders would have added entertainment value that this book sorely needed.

"Our story starts with John Mayhew, Chief of Staff to the President of the United States, wrapped in passionate embrace with his mistress who is, oh dear! a Nazi spy. He, poor fool, dazzled by her charms, reveals the US atomic bomb secrets to her.

"As befits the scene, the prose is some of the most turgid imaginable. Before we get to the bottom of page one we find such gems as an "initial gambit" (all gambits are openings -- it's what the word means). This should be a warning flag, telling us that we aren't quite in the presence of a master wordsmith.

"The pouting sex kitten's name is Erica, though we don't learn that until page 110, 109 pages after she's introduced. She's Erika by page 115 -- copy editing and proofreading weren't this book's high points, though I still have to give the copy editor points for making it through the book at all. The poor bugger needed a machete."
Remember, it was Newt that pushed the Clinton impeachment while having an adulterous affair with his now, but then future wife. Newt pushed forward with his attempts to "get" Clinton on morals grounds while pursuing his habitual sexual adventures at the same time.

What the nation paid for and what the youth of the world were exposed to was the printing of the papers (The Starr Report) which detailed the sexual activity of the president and his intern. The impact of the material on the here-to-fore sheltered Irish youths was said to be dynamic and debasing.

Restored to moral virginity by his Catholic conversion, Newt Gingrich need never be elevated to the role of an example -a "true and steady beacon by which to guide" the lives of youthful Americans. His tragic and twisted sexual history takes away Gingrich's right to national leadership, even if ultimately endorsed by James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, or Don Wildmod of the American Family Association or not. However, we all have seen what softies the Religious Right weakness is when it comes to stories of repentance and being "born again." They gave us that tragic and flawed cardboard Christian, George W. Bush, didn't they - just because he claimed to be "born again"? Bush was the man who said he answered to and took direction from a "higher father" - thus blaming God for his multiple failures as a president and commander-in-chief, and guardian of the national economy.


Ultimately, it's important to focus on the Gingrichian MO: Toy with ideas, grand schemes, astonishing facts & figures, scenarios & proposals It's this skill set that most endears him to the rad right religious voters-whom he must woo in order to win the 2012 GOP nomination. These things endear Newt to his cultish followers and gin up their racialism.

Now Newt has accepted the role of uber-partisan "war dog"-a highly skilled predator/vicious attacker-who can "draw blood" and destroy. It's this ability of Gingrich to create, tear out, red meat and inflame ideological and racially-tinged carnage that voters, such as those Teapublicans in South Carolina, are raring to join forces with to defeat President Obama.

Gingrich is the most dangerous and amoral man in America, bar none! Newt must be denied the presidency.


See also previous pieces in this SERIES:

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