Monday, January 23, 2012

Plutonian Politics: Dionysian Newt v. Apollonian Barack

Newt's a clear victim of raging narcissism! Candidate Newt Gingrich is burdened with all the errors of unholy and now militant, aggressive, and angry hubris.

Newt is what Nietzsche scholars would label a “Dionysian”: Drawn from Greek mythology:  a man struggling with “his unjust and chaotic (Dionysian) fate.”  “The Dionysian embraces the chaotic nature of … experience as all-important; not just on its own” subsequently and shrewdly utilizing and getting great pleasure derived from ordering about those around him.

Newt (portraying his struggle and envisioning his “heroic” attributes and special visions for himself as his” mission,”- to be the leader of the Free World-saving America and humanity from evils real and imagined)  is (in his own crazy private,  mythical world)  delusional.  It’s Newt’s world in which he truly believes he shares glory with Gen. George Patton and Winston Churchill!

Camille Paglia writes,
“The Dionysian is a force of chaos and destruction, which is the overpowering and alluring chaotic state of wild nature”…Writer Stephen King, “"I used the terms Apollonian (to suggest reason and the power of the mind) and Dionysian (to suggest emotion, sensuality, and chaotic action)” 
Source: Wiki on Apollonian and Dionysian.

America has no place for a Dionysian Wild Man in the White House.  None!

Barack, as an Apollonian leader, represents a man guided by “the wish to describe and create order, especially with unfamiliar information or new experience.”

Newt, the Dionysian, and Barack, the Apollonian, represent sharp conflict in the present political battle. The fact that the “Dionysian and the Apollonian form a dialectic,” highlights the understanding, “they are (sharply) contrasting” conflicting, and in an ageless struggle for raw aggressive power versus creating beneficial change and recovery.


As boldly cast in Gingrich’s new battlefield-campaign banner, Newt promotes himself to the nation and the world as: "Newt the Fighter. The only Conservative who can beat Obama."

Gingrich's newly unveiled slogan. That bodacious claim, I can "beat" Obama, holds a double meaning: Win over one's opponent , but also reek harm and hurt upon the President-even, if limited, due to social convention, to the metaphorical sense of an old fashion "beating." This appeals perfectly, in an appalling manner, to many of the "toughs" who are anti-government and anti-equality and want Newt to "take off the gloves."

Characterized like Nietzsche was during his lifetime, Gingrich is an "Atavist run amok who should gather tigers and panthers about his knees" as Newt is wont to do (being a self-proclaimed maven of the ZOO), but Newt isn’t licensed to rally the Bible Thumpers with guns-at-the-ready, the roaming and self-contained/activated cells of militias all across America, wild-eyed men inspired and prompted by Gingrichian rants, all to march out of the palmetto swamps and rid America of the "Kenyan"-the closet “Muslim”

To wit:: "What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you piece together [his actions]?" -- Newt's Quip, September , 2010


Like the strident Nietzsche, Gingrich denigrates the so-called "soft" approach to America’s challenges (Michael Borone: Hard America, Soft America), the nation's problems and civics. The issuance of "food stamps" hunger abatement to millions of Americans going hungry is but one example of the strict application of "harsh discipline" which Gingrich will mete out upon those who must work or not eat.

Newt's hard "disciplining model" of governance (select program eliminations) includes the adjunct-bashing "liberals" whom he despises. Those "soft" bleeding heart liberals are the nation's life guardians of men, women and children and their basic human needs and rights.

In turning a cold cheek away from human need and misery, Newt calls up with "increasing intensity" the "strong dark-side spirits" of the angry. Those of the disaffected filled with racial and economic angst. He speaks effectively to rally the disaffected to gather with him: "the Warrior."

"Join with me," Newt trumpets in a clarion call to mount a march, a crusade, against big government, elites, capitalists on Wall Street, and minorities who "refuse" to work, and a long list of other malefactious elements.

Knight Gingrich's militant march is built on his vain-glorious grandiosifying hope to become the "ubermensch." Gingrich aspires to become THE OVERMAN-who will mount the holy battle against the forces of evil.

This threatened political and cultural “war” includes the kinds of things Newt imagines are evilly engulfing America.

Now is a highly turbulent time, a period of economic depression in which Newt’s kind of  extremism appears to be "heroic" and erroneous ideology and misjudgments can seem like gospel. These "opportunities" Newt comprehends and relishes with a keen political predator's eye for prey.

Ruminate on this bold Newtonian utterance: "People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz." --The Atlanta Journal, 1994

Let’s not go thoughtlessly into the Plutonian Darkness of the 2012 Election unaware of the extreme nature of  the forces rallied by Gingrich and amassing against President Obama.

Original Part 1 and Part 2.

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