On the Reader

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nerdonomics 102: The Big Lie - "We all Benefit" Says Rick Snyder

The Big Nerdonomics Lie

Tricky Rick sez, "We all benefit" from his Proposed Budget Plan so he will "just keep pounding the positive side of why it has to get done and why we all benefit."

"We all benefit" is the BIG LIE representing the greedy/selfish wishes of pro-Snyder business and such grudging propaganda mills as The Mackinac Center (now organically close-knit to the Detroit News on its new "The Michigan View.") These trolls have ridden a decades' long bitter campaign to this now capitalize on our tragic economic "opportunity" made possible by the Great George Bush creation: Michigan's "ONE STATE DEPRESSION."

These difficult economic times are "perfect" setting the stage for Snyder-led wolf pack to take huge bite out of public sector employees.

Anti-public schools wonks are pitching woo directly to the astro-turf Teapartisans in Michigan; appealing to the baser greed of ill-informed Tea Partiers who have joined the anti-civil curmudgeon, Grover Norquist, (in dutiful service to the greedy selfish elites.)

Norquist bragged he would crudely drown the public's necessary government-shrunken down in size- in a bathtub of red ink. Snyder is helping by riding on the backs of state employees being pushed by Norquist's suggestion into red ink of Snyder's making by going too far with an 86 drop in business taxes which gut state revenue. SEE Fact Sheet on Proposed Tax Changes.

Rick Snyder's cuts in public compensation will directly result in hundreds of millions of fewer dollars making THE ALL IMPORTANT REVENUE CYCLE THAT LOCAL SALARIES AND BENEFITS PROVIDE IN VITAL SUPPORT OF A "NEEDY MICHIGAN CONSUMER ECONOMY."

New business, as projected by Snyder's plan will be a long time in start-up, meanwhile Michigan's vital local economy will actually worsen because of his flawed shaft and shift tax plan. This is a risk we should not allow Tricky Rick to impose on us.

Therefore it is not true, as Snyder proclaims, "We all will benefit." However, it's important to note Snyder believes his own BIG LIE.

Tricky Rick:
"I'm an advocate of relentless positive action. I'm not here to pick fights, I'm here to solve problems," Snyder has said. "And the way you solve a problem is just keep on pounding the positive side of why it has to get done and why we all benefit."

Tricky Rick has hidden his savage attack ("just keep pounding") upon teacher and school employees in his advocacy and support to for his H.B. 4215, 2011, which legislatively creates a bitter and acrimonious local fights with school employees-- the "BIG LOSERS"-- even before the "I'm-not-here-to-pick-fights" fight begins under passage of H.B. 4215 fast-tracked; without proper exposure, explanation, and statewide hearings. Should it pass, H.B. 4215 will given immediate effect by the Michigan Senate this week.
3.)Tricky Rick Sez: "If I can solve a problem by being proactive, constructive and working well with people, that's the approach that I'm going to take."

Nothing about Snyder's plan of covert "Cut and Scrap" empowered by H.B. 4215 is pro-active for kids or their mentoring teachers. Snyder will be empowered to act pro-negatively against unions and collective bargaining by pushing down to the individual units:

1.) Severe cuts in revenue, dictated by Rick's decision, give Michigan businesses the largest single business bonanza in tax breaks in the state's History via his Proposed Budget.

2.) Financial Default Will Happen: While forcing local units to do more with less-to the point of impossibility-as with the $470 per student cuts in education.

These cuts, mandated by Tricky Rick, coerces the local school boards to go to its employees and demand huge concessions or else. The "or else" is the imposition of a virtual DICTATOR and destruction of local civic capital-a literal sell off of neighborhood assets.

3.) Everything negotiated in "good faith" prior to the Snyder regime; under the current Michigan collective bargaining rights and agreements are at risk.

Teachers will be forced to give up salary and/or salary and benefits (health care) as the way to balance the Snyder induced shortfall or face the drastic and unprecedented step: Having an "Emergency Financial Manager" appointed by Andy Dillon or a "firm" " high fee, high profile Plunkett/Cooney-tear the district piece by piece to "steal" the desired cuts from teachers and school employees in order to "gift" business. It's Wisconsin only harsher!

Tricky Rick Snyder is starting down the same path as the much hated John Engler and loses all his ability to re-invent Michigan in any positive way, in spite of the great need he recognized for recovery and healing. How Sad!

Original Post.

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