On the Reader

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Koch Brothers Sock-puppet: Michigan’s Teaparitasan Scott Hagerstrom Speaks Bluntly


That's the game plan for Michigan from the Koch Brother bullies.

Today the Teapublican Majority in the Michigan Senate is expected to vote on H.B. 4215; a vicious Union-Busting Bill, very thinly disguised and presented in an opaque way.

Closely quizzed by voters from their districts, neophyte Teapublican members of the House are at a loss to explain what is actually in this bill and they, because they did not vet it properly: Failed to appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, validity, the content and intent of this bill. Some have lamented, we had no intention of becoming embroiled in such low live politics when we came to Lansing to make a change for the better.

They're not yet even able to comprehend the ramifications and impacts it makes on the local communities that will be ravished by its contents, they need more time.

Still Snyder and his Englerite cronies are pushing hard for this bill now; while lying about its true negative effects and what its true purpose is.

Were there more public hearings and town halls where the public (which has had far too little information given them by media and no adequate time to contact their representatives) given a chance to gauge the impact, the Senate would not be acting today.

Denying the citizens a full and fair chance to appraise the bill and its negative and dictatorial impact is a very bad way to end Snyder's aborted honeymoon with the state. Rick's positive numbers are dropping like a giant Petoskey stone into quicksand.

The crazy of crazies about this rush to put-into-law is exactly a prime example of what the Tea Party faction HAS ATTEMPTED TO SAFEGUARD BY TAKING TO THE STREETS: With loud calls for local control and sovereignty, the right to appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, validity, accounted for in the most direct way, these are VERY things that concern the Tea Party about their taxes. H. B. 4215 is one of the exact things Tea Party folk have taken up strong protest to stop cold.

NOW, TODAY, THE TEA PARTY IS BEING BETRAYED, right at home level H.B. 4215 cuts them down at the knees.

Do they know that they are being Shanghaied by these Tricky Rick shenanigans?

Scott Hagerstrom, associated with the extremist wacko Kalamazoo Jack Hoogendyk, claims to work with over 50 Teapublican Groups, as a Koch paid anti-union agitator, hired by Koch's Americans for Prosperity. The Koch Brothers want what they want. The Tens of Billions Brothers Koch have churned up Wisconsin and now they move on to Michigan having paid the eager Hagerstrom do Kochs' dirty work.

Moreover, today Scott Hagerstrom should listen to his mentor former Senator Hoogendyk, "this fight in Wisconsin will eventually lead to similar battles across the country, including Michigan as legislatures and governors deal with severe budget shortfalls." And even at that Jack is intelligent enough to know that Rick Snyder is on very thin ice.

This is true not only in regard to the extreme trauma H.B.4215 brings to local government elected officials (about to be put under the gun by the high powered lawyers at Pluckett/Cooney) but even more so with Snyder's attempts to tax retirement and pensions. Hoogendyk cites the Mackinac Center's harsh criticism of Tricky Rick's effort to clinch his argument his radical overhaul of Michigan's tax structure: Snyder's "move charges a retiree with a $40,000 annual pension $1,700 a year for choosing to remain in Michigan rather than move to sunny, income tax-free Florida."

Original Post.

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