On the Reader

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tea Party Principles Oppose Centralized Government

Governor Rick Snyder's regime is "Centralized Government" moving Michigan top-down into corporatist-style consolidation of local governance and affairs; centralizing power away from our neighborhoods directly into the hands of a few "smarter-than-thou bureaucrats dispensing "our money." Local taxes are taken from us, then doled back to us under bureaucratic, tight, and complete centralized Lansing control.

Centralized government, which Tea Party supporters oppose, is being put in place with a superior and arrogant attitude: "We, bureaucrats and lawyers alone, know best what is good for you."

Snyder's CEO delusion: You hired me to run Michigan like a business organization; just do as I say. I'm now totally in charge.

Forget local control, the right of self determination, and the importance of free elections, my "Man, the EFM (Emergency Finance Manager), has his instructions from me, do as we say or your units will be taken over and your local/civic assets sold off as we decide.
"The greatest advances of civilization, whether in architecture or painting, in science and literature, in industry or agriculture, have never come from centralized government." -- Milton Friedman

Original Post.

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