On the Reader

Sunday, April 10, 2011

To the Original Tea Party Members of Our Republic We Owe Our Liberties...

"We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men of a type that today we hate and fear -- unruly men, disturbers of the peace, men who resent and denounce what Whitman called 'the insolence of elected persons' -- in a word, free men."
-- Gerald W. Johnson (1890-1980)

However to corporate servants like governors Snyder, Walker, Kasich and we owe much resistance, for they are the elected men of "insolence," against such sell-outs it was the Founding Tea Party leaders became "unruly men, disturbers of the peace..."

The leaders of workers' associations laid down their lives and their occupations in order to achieve a voice in their workplaces and a seat at the counting house table on behalf of their fellows-the common men.

Now these brazen Retro-Republican Governors, backed, funded and encouraged by such as the Brothers Koch, the wealthy Waltons, and the Amway clan, in our hour of great economic woe, seek to lock the workers and public servants out of their place in the commons.

These wealthy elites attempt to bar the workers from their place in the bill-making legislative halls of states (via Koch funded A.L.E.C. private/corporate serving legislative members, inserting A.L.E.C. -ala cart bill writing into state law) across the country.

Such corporate benefiting, usurpation of democratic process has virtually denied ordinary Americans' their voice in the workplace. A.L.E.C. private legislating has given great advantage to corporations in all areas of the workplace, elections, and in the arenas of governance and public finance. Even resulting in Michigan in direct take-over of local governmental units by corporate firms being given the powers of Emergency Finance Managers.

- Who harvested the grain, that made the dainty tarts and goodies on the table at Vanderbilt's Biltmore?
- Who dug the sooty coal from unsafe pits that heated the vast caverns of the J. P. Morgans' palatial homes?
- Who forged the molten steel that made Henry Ford's autos?
- Who carts, by semi, the millions of crates and boxes bearing Chinese goods to Wal-Mart's Super Stores all across America?
- Who peddled the special MLM soap that made the Amway twins billionaires?
- Whose retirement funds were brazenly harvested by the banksters and crooks via dishonest investment instruments and chicanery on Wall Street in 2008?

This aggressive and Koch et.al. funded/coordinated attempt to effect a coup against American labor is a vast and endangering overreach.

When it is all said and done, if the mega-wealthy are to be the arbiters of all values and wages, working conditions and privileges, what is left for the common man and woman in a nation said by Abraham Lincoln to be "of and for the people?"
Original Post.

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